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25.000 litres

A milk tank contaminated with just 1 treated cow

€ 5,000

Incineration costs of 8 tons of milk

1 test

can save all your daily production

Solutions designed for each person and moment

Water treatment plants / Drinking Water Treatment Station (DWTS)

Ensuring the safety of a resource that is produced daily and reaches the entire population is a commendable challenge for Water Managers. The impact of intensive human activity and climate change are some of the factors that accelerate changes in water conditions. Consequently, it is essential to have fast, simple and specific field or laboratory analysis to be able to detect new alerts early.
The proliferation of microcystin-producing cyanobacteria is an increasingly widespread risk, especially in hot and warm climates. The response to the appearance of this cyanotoxin must be rapid due to health consequences. Continuous monitoring is required due to its seasonal and unpredictable occurrence. The solution designed by ZEULAB offers two advantages that make it unique. The quantification of the toxin with a simple kit adapted to small and large laboratories. The identification of all varieties of microcystins with an analytical response proportional to their toxicity.
Salmonella and Listeria are pathogens that can contaminate different types of water. Quick and ready- to-use systems can be invaluable in some situations. Microlab has been designed for easy sampling and analysis without the need for specific laboratory equipment.

Marine or Water Toxins

Analytical and research laboratories

Microcystin analysis assays must be adapted to the particularities of this toxin. More than 80 varieties have been described, but new molecules could appear and should also be detected. The principle of Microcystest, based on the inhibition of the biological target of the toxin, will ensure the detection of all of them. The analysis methods are developed for quantification of both free microcystins in water and the intracellular ones. The test has been designed in 2 formats, which are adapted to laboratories with a reduced number of samples or laboratories with large series of samples.
The use of this test in research projects, provides interesting data for its application in samples and working models that researchers may need.
When sporadic analyses of Salmonella or Listeria in water is needed, having a simple analysis system such as Microlab, a ready-to-use test with not previous qualification or experience required, is very useful for the client’s needs or research projects.

Marine or Water Toxins

Zeulab tests help you to make quick decisions and minimize losses when finding positive results.

The control of your dairy production from your smartphone or tablet

Our solutions for the Environmental Sector

Marine or Water Toxins

Already testing with Zeulab tests

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