Microlab Basic allows you to detect the presence of Salmonella in food samples and work surfaces in a simple way. Microlab Basic Salmonella contains the culture medium and immunochemical strips to detect Salmonella.
Salmonella analysis in 24 hours without the need for specific personnel or equipment.
Do you need to detect the presence of Salmonella in your products, but cannot invest in expensive equipment?
Would it help you release your product faster if you could easily test for Salmonella in 1 day?
Microlab Basic allows you to detect the presence of Salmonella in food samples and work surfaces in a simple way. Microlab Basic Salmonella contains the culture medium and immunochemical strips to detect Salmonella.
Weigh 20 g of Microlab Basic Salmonella Broth and add 1 L of sterile distilled water (20 g/L).
Homogenize the broth with the culture medium and incubate at 37ºC for 24 hours.
Add 300 µL of the incubated broth in a tube and insert the strip. Read the results after 15 minutes.
Lateral flow immunochemical technique (LFIA) based on the detection of specific antigens of Salmonella serogroups A-E.
Microlab Salmonella, certied by the AOAC Research Institute (AOAC-RI) for detection of Salmonella O Groups A-E in raw ground beef, raw turkey (thermal processed marinated), ready-to-eat fresh cheese, pasteurized liquid eggs and ready-to-eat deli ham with the Performance Tested Methods SM number #052401.
Commission Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 of 15 November 2005 on microbiological criteria for foodstuffs.
The control of pathogens in foodstuffs is a major point in food safety. Testing laboratories and food companies have to perform diagnostic tests in order to detect contamination in any stage of the production chain of foodstuffs....
16 September, 2019