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Marine or Water Toxins

The harmful algal blooms that appear in marine or fresh water release different types of toxins that pose a risk to human and animal health, in addition to having a great impact on the economy of fishing areas.


Microcystins, produced by cyanobacteria, appear in fresh waters and their consumption for long time can trigger fatal effects on human health and on ecosystem. So far, more than 80 microcystin variants have been described, which toxic potential is variable and is not directly related to the intake dose.


Having a fast and simple test for microcystins control offers multiple applications. At water treatment plants, supply network or in recreational waters, helping to prevent the presence of these toxins and avoid health problems. An early detection of microcystins in raw water will allow to apply suitable treatments and so to remove them during treatment process.


The Microcystest solution, which uses the biological target of microcystins, has a double advantage, specifically quantifies their levels in water, and determines the toxicity derived from any of the variants that may be in the sample.

The toxins produced by marine phytoplankton accumulate in bivalve molluscs and can cause serious intoxications such as diarrhea (lipophilic-DSP toxins), amnesia (domoic acid-ASP) or paralysis (saxitoxins, PSP).


The early control of these toxins in molluscs before their collection or processing with our Okatest, Domotest and Saxitest solutions will allow us to produce products without risk, in addition to avoiding significant economic losses. These tests can be implemented in a laboratory with minimal equipment and do not require highly qualified personnel. Okatest has the additional advantage of reproducing the biological action of toxins from the okadaic acid group. So, it is also an indicator of the toxic potential of the sample associated with these toxins.


The extraction of molluscs from the farming areas is rigorously supervised by authorized laboratories that define the opening or closure. Our tests are a very comfortable and effective tool to monitor the evolution of a detected toxic episode.


Okatest kit has been recognized by the European Reference Laboratory for marine biotoxins as complementary to the official method for the analysis of toxins of the okadaic acid group.

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