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Allergen test kit

Food allergen test kit:

Speed and security in decision making

There is a clear trend in the food industry to offer products free of allergenic ingredients, as well as a reduction in the use of preventive labeling (“may contain”). With the increase in food allergies and their incorporation into legislation, controlling the unintended presence of food allergens is a demand both by the consumer and by the food safety and quality standards ISO 22000 2005, BRC, IFS, etc.
Verification of the effectiveness of protection measures to avoid cross contamination from food allergens during production; as well as rapid analysis of final product allows anticipating decision-making for preventive labeling or corrective measures for food free of any allergens.

PROTEON EXPRESS (Rapid tests):

Proteon Express tests allow rapid analysis without the need for a laboratory. The kits provides all material for any person to easily carry out analyses of raw material, intermediate or final product, as well as work surfaces or rinse waters.

LAB2GO (Rapid tests briefcase):

The Lab2Go briefcase is designed for analysis of work surfaces. The allergens tests content can be personalizing, so it can be adapted to each company´s needs. Lab2Go presentation helps to take it around for testing in different production control points. Food industry, collective catering, auditors, laboratories or inspectors, with one or more locations, will be able to control or audit critical points at the appropriate time.


Proteon kits allow you to quantify in a short time the content of the allergen you want to identify in any type of sample. Concentration values will allow you to know the risks of your product or facilities so you can take corrective measures within your quality system.

Discover our solutions for food & working surfaces allergen test kit

Juan Ignacio Toribio, Quality Manager, Laboratorios YNSADIET

“La determinación de alérgenos alimentarios está tomando cada vez una mayor importancia debido al aumento tanto en los casos y como en la gravedad que sobre los consumidores pueden causar. En el Laboratorio de Control de Calidad de Laboratorios Ynsadiet controlamos las posibles contaminaciones cruzadas por alérgenos en la fabricación de nuestros productos tanto en superficies de trabajo como en producto terminado con los kits inmunocromatográficos de Zeulab. Estos kits son fiables, tienen un límite de detección suficiente y son fáciles y rápidos de usar. Un punto muy importante y, que valoro siempre en cada proveedor de reactivos, kits, etc… es el soporte que nos puedan dar ante incidencias y dudas, muy importante en el caso de la determinación de alérgenos debido a las gran diversidad de matrices con las que trabajamos y las posibles interferencias que esto puede causar, en este sentido siempre he podido contar con el apoyo y la experiencia de Zeulab.”

“The determination of food allergens is becoming increasingly important due to the increase in both cases and severity they may cause on consumers. In the Quality Control Laboratory of Ynsadiet Laboratories we check for possible cross-contamination by allergens in the manufacture of our products both on work surfaces and on finished products with Zeulab immunochromatographic kits. These kits are reliable, have a sufficient detection limit, and are quick and easy to use. A very important point, which I always value in every supplier of reagents, kits, etc. . . is the support they can give us in the face of incidents and doubts, very important in the case of the determination of allergens due to the great diversity of matrices with which we work and the possible interferences that this can cause, I have always been able to rely with the support and experience of Zeulab.”

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