www. zeulab. com offers this service subject to these Terms of Use:



In compliance with Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), we inform you that the ownership of the domain of the website www. zeulab. com, corresponds to ZEULAB, S. L, (from now on, THE SERVICE PROVIDER) with NIF B50622489 and registered office in Zaragoza, Calle Bari nº 25, duplicate Pol. Plaza (CP 50197). For any consultation, you can contact by means of the Telephone 976731533 or by means of the E-mail: info@zeulab.com.


These Terms (hereinafter referred to as the Legal Notice) are intended to govern the use of this Web site that the Service Provider makes available to the public at this URL. The use of the Web site by a third party attributes to him the condition of User and, supposes the full acceptance by this User, of all and each one of the conditions that are incorporated in the present Legal Warning. The Service Provider may offer through the Web site, services or products that may be subject to particular conditions of their own which, depending on the case, replace, complete and/or modify this Legal Notice, and about which the User will be informed in each specific case.


The User agrees to use the website, its contents and services in accordance with the law, this legal notice, good customs and public order. Similarly, the User is obliged not to use the website www. zeulab. com. or the services provided through it for purposes or effects that are illicit or contrary to the content of this Legal Notice, harmful to the interests or rights of third parties, or that in any way may damage, disable or impair the website or its services, or prevent normal enjoyment of the website by other users. Furthermore, the User expressly agrees not to destroy, alter, disable or in any other way damage the data, programs or electronic documents and others that are on the website of The Service Provider.
The User undertakes not to hinder other users’; access to the access service by massive consumption of the computer resources through which the Service Provider provides the service, as well as to carry out actions that damage, interrupt or generate errors in such systems. The User agrees not to introduce programs, viruses, macros, applets, ActiveX controls or any other logical device or sequence of characters that cause or are likely to cause any type of alteration in the computer systems of The Provider of the Service or third parties. RESTRICTIONS ON USE. During the use of the website www. zeulab. com, the client and/or user agrees to: Not copy the Software
Not to distribute, share, sublicense, lend, lease or make the website available to third parties (on the Internet, through a computer network or tangible medium, through the media or in any other way) Not to modify, adapt, create derivative works or translate any part of , Not to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software from the website Not to remove or alter any copyright, trademark or proprietary notice contained in the website Not to provide true information about the data requested in the registration form and to keep them updated. Page, any information or material that was defamatory, injurious, obscene, threatening, xenophobic, inciting to violence or to discrimination for reasons of race, sex, ideology, religion or that in any form attempts against the morality, the public order, the fundamental rights, the public liberties, the honor, the intimacy or the image of third parties and in general the in force regulation. Not to carry out advertising or commercial exploitation activities through the website and not to use the contents and information of the website to send advertising, or to send messages with any other commercial purpose, nor to collect or store personal data of third parties. Do not use false identities, or impersonate others when using the website.
Part of the website may contain advertising content or be sponsored. Advertisers and sponsors are solely responsible for ensuring that material submitted for inclusion on the website complies with applicable laws. The Service Provider shall not be liable for any errors, inaccuracies or irregularities that may be contained in the advertising or sponsorship content. In any case, to file any claim related to the advertising Contents inserted in this Web site you can go to the following e-mail address: info@zeulab.com.


All the contents of the Web site, unless otherwise indicated, are the exclusive property of the Provider of the Service and, by way of illustration, but not limitation, the graphic design, source code, logos, texts, graphics, illustrations, photographs, and other elements that appear on the Web site. Likewise, all commercial names, brands or distinctive signs of any kind contained in the web site are protected by law. The Service Provider does not grant any kind of license or authorization for personal use to the User on its intellectual and industrial property rights or on any other right related to its Website and the services offered therein. Therefore, the User acknowledges that the reproduction, distribution, commercialization, transformation, and in general, any other form of exploitation, by any procedure, of all or part of the contents of this Web site constitutes an infringement of the intellectual and/or industrial property rights of The Provider of the Service or of the holder of the same. The User acknowledges that the reproduction, modification, distribution, commercialisation, decompilation, disassembly, use of reverse engineering techniques or any other means to obtain the source code of the bar, transformation or publication of any test results of unauthorised references of any of the elements and utilities integrated within the portal www. zeulab. com constitutes an infringement of the intellectual property rights of ZEULAB. S. L. , and consequently they are obliged not to carry out any of the aforementioned actions. The user will abstain from carrying out any conduct in the use of the portal www.zeulab.com that attempts against the rights of intellectual or industrial property of ZEULAB. S. L. or of third parties, or which infringes or transgresses the honour, personal or family privacy or image of third parties, or which is illicit or immoral, and will in any case leave ZEULAB unharmed. S. L. against any claim, judicial or extrajudicial that is presented against it as a result of such use.


6.1. Responsibility for the Use of the Web
The User is solely responsible for the infractions in which he may incur or for the damages that he may cause by the use of the Web site, leaving the Service Provider, his partners, group companies, collaborators, employees and representatives, exonerated from any kind of responsibility that could be derived from the User’s actions. The Service Provider will use all reasonable efforts and means to provide up-to-date and accurate information on the website, however, the Service Provider does not assume any warranty regarding the absence of errors, or possible inaccuracies and/or omissions in any of the content accessible through this website. The User is the only responsible for any legal claim or action, in or out of court, brought by third parties against The Service Provider based on the User’s use of the Web site. Where applicable, the User shall bear all expenses, costs and compensation incurred by the Service Provider in connection with such claims or legal actions.

6.2. Responsibility for the operation of the website
The Service Provider excludes all liability that may arise from interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone breakdowns or disconnections in the operation of the electronic system, caused by causes beyond the control of the Service Provider. Furthermore, The Service Provider also excludes any liability that may arise from delays or blockages in the operation of this electronic system caused by deficiencies or overloading of the telephone lines or the Internet, as well as damage caused by third parties through unlawful interference beyond the control of The Service Provider. The Service Provider has the right to temporarily suspend, without notice, access to the Website for maintenance, repair, updating or improvement.

6.3. Liability for links
In the event that we provide links to websites that are not operated or controlled by ZEULAB,S. L. you will be duly informed as these are managed by third parties. The Service Provider disclaims any responsibility for information outside the Website, as the function of the links that appear is solely to inform the User of the existence of other sources of information on a particular subject. The Service Provider is exonerated from any responsibility for the correct functioning of such links, the result obtained through such links, the veracity and legality of the content or information that can be accessed, as well as any damages that the User may suffer by virtue of the information found on the linked website. These websites may have their own privacy policies that explain how they use and share your personal information. We recommend that you carefully review the privacy policies before using these websites to ensure that you are satisfied with the way your personal information is collected.

The information found on the www. zeulab.com website may include links to external websites only for the convenience of our customers and/or users. When customers and/or users select a link from an external website, they will be leaving the www. zeulab. com website and will be subject to the privacy limitations and rules imposed by the owners and/or sponsors of that website. ZEULAB. S. L. declines any responsibility regarding the information found outside the website, since the function of the links that appear is only to inform the user about the existence of other sources of information on a specific subject. ZEULAB. S. L is not responsible for webcasting or any other form of transmission received from any link.





The User guarantees that the information, material, contents or observations that are not his/her own personal data and that are provided to the Service Provider through the Web Site do not infringe the intellectual or industrial property rights of third parties, or any other legal provision. The information, materials, contents or observations provided by the User to the Service Provider will be considered non-confidential and the Service Provider reserves the right to use them in the manner it considers most appropriate.


ZEULAB, S. L. reserves the right to modify, develop or update the Legal Notice of this Web site at any time and without prior notice, as well as the Privacy Policy. The User will be automatically bound by the Legal Notice in force at the time he or she accesses the Web site, so we recommend that you read it before each access and navigation on the Web site.


All disputes or claims arising from the interpretation or execution of this Legal Notice shall be governed by Spanish law, and shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Zaragoza.